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Strands of Thought

Strands of Thought; 430x240cm installation; work in progress.


Copper plated hardboard pins, Shetland laceweight natural wool, treasury tags, binder clips, digital images, copper mordant.


Each of the one hundred and twenty pins represents a concept, theme, action or material I felt was significant to my work during this year. The idea is to create a physical mind map of how each single tangent relates to the other hundred and nineteen. These range from fifteen to fifty-eight points of connection drawn out with the thread so creating different lengths of thought which were photographed then cut and wound into skeins ready for later use.  The paused thoughts are made ready for potential dyeing by simmering in a copper solution which aid the retention of natural dyes even as the process is noxious and weakens the fibre. The copper solution is known as a mordant and was made by immersing the copper tags used in Recordings: Rain and Shine, Sunnybank, in water and acetic acid.

Degree show 2018 Moray School of Art, UHI

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